
xF2 Add-on Math 3.0.1

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 2.0
  2. 2.1
  3. 2.2
Additional Requirements
For 2.1+ versions:
• XenForo 2.1
• PHP 7 +


This addon will turn all LaTeX math on your forum to a fancy, sharp and scalable math!
It also adds the "Insert math" button to an editor that greately simplifies the process of adding math to your messages, threads, pages and so on. It also works with xenForo AJAX (loading content on the fly without page reloading) system!



LaTeX ⟶ Fancy math

Users can write math formulas and equations with LaTeX notation wich then will be turned to a fancy math by powerful MathJax engine. Here is how it works:


Two types of math are supported: inline and block math. Inline math is smaller and commonly used inside the text. In the image above the cosmological constant (green) is an example of inline math.

Block is bigger and is used for standalone big equations and formulas. In the image above the Einstein field equation (blue) is an example of block math.

All math is rendered as text and automatically inherits all its properties: color, line height, font size and so on. As a result you get scalable math that perfectly fits any style and color scheme:



"Insert math" button

With this addon you will notice a new button in text editor toolbar:


This button greately simplifies the process of adding math to threads and posts. You can choose math type (inline or block) and immediately see the output when typing LaTeX math:



Responsive math

When loading page math is rendering with automatic line breaks applied in order to fit its container. How is it working?

Here is a block math that is shorter than its container:


Look what happens when loading the same message in narrow mode:


Moreover, if you dynamically change the width of browser window and container becomes too narrow to render math in full width it automatically adds scroll bars to prevent layout breaking:


Options and customization

You have a full control of where and how math will be rendered on your forum:
  • Render math everywhere or in 5 predefined places (Titles, Content, Pages, Signatures, About)
  • Specify custom selectors where math will (or will not) be rendered
  • Customize MathJax confing


  1. Download the addon
  2. Upload contents of upload folder to your forum root
  3. In admin control panel go to "Addons" section and install Math

17.5 KB
First release
Last update

More resources from AnimeHaxor

Latest updates

  1. Patch 3.0.1

    Added a two bbcodes for math rendering: math for block math and imath for inline math. Smilies...
  2. Update 3.0 — KaTeX edition

    Please, read the installation instructions! From 3.0 the addon uses KaTeX math renderer instead...
  3. Patch 2.1.1

    Fixed bugs Math is rendering correctly in all previews