XenForo 1.x Development Tutorials/Tools

XenForo 1.x Development Tutorials/Tools

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Global Template Variable AnimeHaxor
How to create variables that can be accessed in all templates
Creating a add-on to insert tabs in profile page (using hooks) AnimeHaxor
This tutorial will teach you how to insert new tabs in the profile page using the templates hooks.
How to read and write into the database (with a page) AnimeHaxor
I'll teach you how to read and write to the database using XenForo.
How to add a new sidebar in the forum list AnimeHaxor
I will teach you how to add a new sidebar with a custom content in the forum list page.
How to show a forum in a page AnimeHaxor
This tutorial will explain how to show a forum (thread list) inside a page.
Create phrases in bulk by writing them as comma-separated values.
Speeds phrase creation, Redirects back to Create New Phrase form upon submission.
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