XenForo 2.x VIP Add-ons

XenForo 2.x VIP Add-ons

Top resources

[TH] Donate Admin
Multi-Campaign Donation Drive Manager
Article Management System (AMS) Admin
Is an article system that uses the same framework as the Showcase plugin.
TeslaCloud Studios Addons Bundle Admin
  • Featured
TeslaCloud Studios Addons Bundle [44]
[TH] Nodes for grid, custom styling, and custom icons Admin
Easily style your nodes and arrange them into a grid
Paid registrations Admin
Allows account upgrade before registering.
D.C Style - Advanced Download Admin
Download page for attachments and resources.
Classified forums Admin
Converts selected forums into classified forums.
User promotion conversation Admin
Sends a conversation when a user account is promoted.
[DBTech] DragonByte Security Admin
Improve your forum's security
Email log Admin
Logs emails that are sent from your forum.
[TH] UI.X Pro Admin
The Ideal Forum Experience
Signup abuse detection and blocking Admin
Provides a toolkit to reduce signup spam
AI Phrase Translation by Siropu Admin
Automate phrase translation using AI
[DBTech] DragonByte Donate Admin
Accept donations from members.
[cXF] Membership Page Admin
Create a membership page and customize it.
[021] Paid content Admin
Allows you to create paid content for users
[XenCustomize] Profile Audio Player & Library - Music and Lyrics Admin
Profile Audio Player is the premier profile music addon for XenForo 2, bringing your profile to life
[XenCustomize] Limit Resource Downloads Admin
Effortlessly set download limits, complemented by user-friendly error pages & informative interfaces
[021] Real-Time Chat Admin
Chat with instant messaging.
grvfernandesLatest member