XenForo 2.x VIP Add-ons

XenForo 2.x VIP Add-ons

Top resources

[DBTech] DragonByte Donate Admin
Accept donations from members.
[cXF] Membership Page Admin
Create a membership page and customize it.
[021] Paid content Admin
Allows you to create paid content for users
[XenCustomize] Profile Audio Player & Library - Music and Lyrics Admin
Profile Audio Player is the premier profile music addon for XenForo 2, bringing your profile to life
[XenCustomize] Limit Resource Downloads Admin
Effortlessly set download limits, complemented by user-friendly error pages & informative interfaces
[021] Real-Time Chat Admin
Chat with instant messaging.
[021] XenForo Messenger Admin
Replaces outdated XenForo conversations with a modern messenger.
[XCOD3] Download Resource Permission Plus Admin
With this add-on, you can set restrictions on downloading resources based on user attributes such
[Xen-Soluce] Invite System Admin
Generate invitation codes to join your forum and more
[XFA] Roster - XF2 Admin
Roster adds a complete club management system to your forum.
[XFA] Thread Tabs Admin
Easily allow the creation of multiple tabs within threads !
[XFA] RM Multiple Categories Resources - XF2 Admin
Enhance your Resource Manager with the capability to show resources in multiple categories
[Xen-Soluce] SEO Optimization Admin
Decide which content is indexed from the search engine and more
Ads Manager 2 by Siropu Admin
Feature-rich, lightweight advertisement management application.
[Xen-Soluce] Credit System Admin
Setup an advanced system for counting user threads, posts, replies and reactions in selected forums
[021] ChatGPT Reply Assistant AnimeHaxor
This add-on uses ChatGPT to generate replies to posts automatically
[XTR] Paid Membership Admin
Change the user upgrade page layout with an elegant table structure.
[XTR] Resource Manager Layout Admin
Allows you to give a more professional look to the front-facing sections of your resource page.
[XTR] Resource Downloader User Groups Admin
This add-on allows you to set which user groups can download the resource by when adding or editing
mikeylifeLatest member