Chat - Support Board

WP Chat - Support Board 3.7.0 Nulled

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Security Improved security related to SQL Injection and XSS attacks.

Bug Fixed bug related to users pagination.

Bug Fixed bug related to online user status on the admin area when Pusher is active.

Bug Fixed bug related to message with attachments.

New feature Option to display additional columns in the user table.

New feature Articles page with WordPress shortcode.

New feature Option to open the links of card and slider rich messages in a new window.

New feature Option to disable reports.

Optimization Improved 'Another agent is replying to this conversation' message.

Optimization Minor UI optimizations.

Optimization Various minior optimizations.

Optimization Online/offline status switcher is now available in the mobile app.

Optimization Improved flash notifications for the admin area.

Api New arguments 'extra' and 'user_ids' for the PHP API function 'sb_get_users()' and the AJAX and WEB API function 'get-users'.

Api Removed argument 'exclude_id' from the PHP API function 'sb_get_online_users()' and WEB and JS API functions 'get-online-users'.

Api Removed argument 'routing' from the PHP API function 'sb_new_conversation()' and WEB and JS API functions 'new-conversation'.

Api New argument 'category' for the JS API function 'SBChat.getArticles()'.

Api New PHP API function 'sb_execute_bot_message()'.

Api The default returned values of the PHP API function 'sb_get_online_users()' and WEB and JS API functions 'get-online-users' now exclude agents and admins.

Api Fixed bug related to the WEB API function 'email-piping'.

Info A valid purchase code is now required to enter the admin area.
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Reactions: QuangBatMan
Bug Fixed bug related to corrupted chars in email piping messages.

Bug Fixed bug related to routing when Pusher is active.

Bug Fixed bug related to admin login for WordPress.

New feature New performance option: minify JS.

New feature New options for routing and conversations assigned to a single agent.

New feature WordPress options to show the Support Board admin area to custom WordPress users roles.

Api New PHP API function 'sb_get_last_agent_in_conversation()'.
BugFixed bug related to articles in the admin area.

BugFixed bug related to email notifications.

Bug Fixed bug related to Push notifications.

Bug Fixed a few design bugs.

New feature Option to enable email piping for all emails.

New feature Reports for direct messages.

New feature Performance optimization options in Settings > Miscellaneous.

New feature Option to download the conversation transcript as .txt file.

New feature Option to make the registration phone field mandatory.

Optimization Admin users table is now fully updated in real-time when Pusher is active.

Optimization Left arrow animation.

Optimization Improved email validation.

Optimization New messages sent from the server are now recognized as new messages.

Optimization Cron job for email piping is now executed every minute.

Optimization Text message notifications for email piping.

Api New PHP API function 'sb_transcript()'.

Api New JS AJAX and WEB API function 'transcript'.

Api Depreacted PHP API function 'sb_csv_conversations()'. Now replaced by 'sb_transcript()'.

Api Depreacted JS AJAX and WEB API function 'csv-conversations'. Now replaced by 'transcript'.

Info Updated translations.
New feature Option to disable success registrarion message and user details in success message.

Bug Fixed bug related to the online status and the PHP API function 'sb_is_user_online()'.

Bug Fixed bug related push notifications for users.

Bug Fixed bug related to repeater settings.

Bug Fixed bug related to new conversations.

Info The PHP API function 'sb_curl()' now returns the URL of the saved file when the function type is 'FILE'.

Info New returned value 'extra' for the PHP API function 'sb_get_conversation()' and WEB and JS API funtions 'get-conversation'.

Info New returned value 'source' for the PHP API functions 'sb_get_conversation()', 'sb_get_conversations()', 'sb_get_new_conversations()', 'sb_search_conversations()' and WEB and JS API funtions 'get-conversation', 'get-conversations', 'get-new-conversations', 'search-conversations'.

Info New arguments 'source' and 'extra' for the PHP API function 'sb_new_conversation()' and WEB and JS API funtions 'new-conversation'.