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Hello Nulledteam!

Xenforo's Moderation Queue is not really good for our forum with a lot of moderated topics/posts board.

We would like to request (willing to pay as well please give us a quote) for this IPB feature. We're using Xenforo XenForo 1.5.10. If it already exists, a link would be awesome and very much appreciated!

IPS has this really cool feature where you can see unapproved topics per board like this:

What it shows is Unapproved Threads / Unapproved Posts. If you click on the exclamation mark, it will isolate all the threads that is either unapproved or has unapproved messages. Like so:

In my attempt to be clearer:
When a board is in a state of requiring moderation and a user posted, their post will not be immediately approved and goes to the moderation queue.

In that case, this plugin just notifies us of that and clicking it -- does what I described in the topic. Not all moderators will be able to see it. Only if they're Admin/Global/Moderator assigned to that boards.

The normal users must not be able to see it as well for obvious reasons. However their ability to see their own topics/posts shouldn't be disturbed. :)

I'm not sure if this is the info you needed but I hope it makes it clearer?

Thank you very much for your time and assistance!
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