aMember Pro

Script aMember Pro 6.3.20 Nulled

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6.3.5 2021-06-07 14:31:57 +0400
feat(product-management): mass action Set Product Requirements
feat(simple-tpl): allow symbol '/' in literals, useful for urls to escape %'/amember/signup/|urlencode'%
Attach address and tax rate to payment/refund. Display correct rate/pdf invoice in situations when user changed address info
Rest Api - fixed post,put requests for classes based on Am_Record
Backup Cron - ignore abort and extend memory limit
fix(form-editor): multiple HTML bricks in sidebar position
fix(brick-conditional): avoid trigger change event - it lead to bug when state field do not populated (change triggered before CountryState initialized)
fix(option-editor): sort rows, ability to edit empty text label
fix(url): incorrect translation relative url to absolute
fix(form): fault tolerance in case of remove attempt of not existing element
feat(aff): new commission rule condition - Number of Payment in Invoice
feat(cart): show product if it is member of at least one category with revealed code
feat(cart): show products in category requested by code even if product is member of another category with code
fix(cart): delay _setBasketItems until i18n loaded
fix(cart): endless redirect if logged in user open signup/cart directly
fix(cart): do not allow to put invoice-summary and donation bricks to form in admin UI. These bricks has not effect in case of shopping cart
fix(cart): ability to use files from Disk as product image
Mailer Lite: Flexible Actions support

feat(paysys): New Payment System: Cryptonator (
feat(ccavenue): compatibility with latest PHP: mcrypt -> openssl
Sberbank - recurring fixed
ClickFunnels - cancel event handling added
Vendo - payment plugin added
Paddle plugin update

apple-signin plugin added
feat(login-monitor): allow to send email only for users with specific product
feat(shipping-flat): free shipping threshold
feat(gift-card): ability to add gift card from admin interface
fix(sales-notification): delay initialization until document is fully loaded (get rid of jquery race condition)
fix(donation): visualization error, numbers likes 3.4000000000000017
Infusion-soft - allow to send plain text pass for registration email
feat(self-service): show thank you page after user get product
feat(self-service): Option to Notify Admin when User Get Product
feat(self-service): pagination for products page
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KylinLatest member