
WP BoomBox 2.9.5 Nulled

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- Fixed: Image captcha issue for login form
- Fixed: Featured video displaying issue
- Fixed: Widgets displaying issue
- Update: WordPress 5.8 support
- Update: WPBakery Page Builder plugin for WordPress updated to the latest version
- Update: Easy Social Share Buttons plugin for WordPress updated to the latest version
- Improvement: "Gamify" plugin v1.3.1 (minor fixes)
- Improvement: "Zombify" plugin v1.6.5 (instagram embed bug fix)
- Improvement: "Boombox theme extensions" plugin v1.6.8
- New: "TikTok" support for boombox social icons
- Fixed: Multiple minor fixes
- Fix: Customizer fixes
- Fix: Easy Social Share plugin for WordPress update fixes
- Improvement: WPBakery Page Builder plugin for WordPress updated to the latest version
- Improvement: Easy Social Share plugin for WordPress updated to the latest version
- Improvement: Customizer UX improvements
- New: An option to hide "Compose" button added
- Fixed: BuddyPress dark mode styling
- Improvements: WooCommerce updated to the latest version
- Improvements: LiteSpeed Cache Plugin compatibility improvements
- New: the ability to add a custom label for Menu items
- New: added titles to “Post Listing Type” – Customiser and Dashboard
- Fixed: scroll issue with the open modal
- Fixed: user IP detection – removed restrictions for specific IP’s
- Fixed: “counter” validation in shortcode download
- Fixed: AMP post metadata bug
- New: Zombify – Affiliate button text on Open List and Ranked List now editable
- Fixed: Zombify - Pinterest embed videos fixes
- Fixes: Zombify minor styling fixes
- New: TikTok embed option added to Zombify
- Improvement: WPBakery Page Builder plugin updated to the latest version
- Improvement: Easy Social Share Buttons plugin updated to the latest version
- Fixed: WP Social Login and Boombox native login compatibility issue
- Fixed: Twitter callback URL configuration update for Social Login
- Fixed: Date format change possibility added for AMP pages
- Fixed: Dark mode bug fixes
- Fixed: Multiple minor fixes
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Reactions: v2v2v2
- Improvement: Gamify plugin: 2 new references for upvote and downvote
- Improvement: Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress: updated to the latest version
- Improvement: WPBakery Page Builder: updated to the latest version
- Fixed: Multiple minor fixes
- Improvement: Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress: updated to the latest version
- Improvement: Auto Load Next Post plugin: updated to the latest version
- Fixed: WP Rocket plugin: issue related to voting system
- Fixed: Multiple minor fixes
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