PixelYourSite Pro

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  • New Meta settings allow you to disable event parameters that can track Protected Health Information (PHI). Recommended for websites with medical content.
  • New event triggers: WooCommerce add to cart, WooCommerce purchase. These triggers let you configure CUSTOM events that can replace end-of-the-funnel standard events like AddToCart or Purchase. Meta might not allow websites with MEDICAL content to use standard events, but custom events are still permitted.
  • Small code changes to ensure that Google tags installed by third-party solutions are in no way affected by the plugin when no Google tag ID is present in the settings.
  • Improving some queries to avoid memory issues.
  • Fixing a problem related to lifetime value and Advanced Marketing Events.
  • New Elementor forms trigger fire events when an Elementor form is successfully submitted.
  • The automatic Form event will fire on a form submitted for Elementor forms instead of the form’s button clicks.
  • New trigger for email links: fire events for one or multiple email links.
  • Bot/Crawlers list updated.
  • New parameter for WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads Advanced Purchase Tracking events for Meta, Google, and TikTok tags: advanced_purchase_tracking. It will help identify events triggered by this option in the reports or our native logs.
  • Declaring compatibility with WooCommerce 9.3.
  • New events trigger: fire your events for embedded YouTube or Vimeo videos.
  • WooCommerce and EDD ChatGPT export include payment type. You can now ask ChatGPT to analyze the data based on the payment type.
  • New option regarding Google Tags user data with support for multiple user values (up to 3 email addresses, up to 2 address fields).
  • Fix related to the URL parameters events trigger logic.
  • Security improvement related to the API logs. Now access is restricted based on the plugin’s permission settings. Only user types with permission can download the logs.
  • A new option that lets you use URL parameter values as personal data with API events or for Google Enhanced Conversions.
  • Data persistency option for personal data used with the API events or Google Enhanced Conversions: you can select between using data for as long as possible (default), or updating it whenever possible.
  • WSForm integration: our default Form event will fire when the form data is successfully submitted.
  • WSForm integration: you can configure your own events for one or multiple forms that will fire when the form is submitted.
  • Recurring tracking for our WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads reports.
  • A fix related to the Litespeed cache.
  • A fix related to a possible bug with Funnelkit checkout pages.
  • Various code improvements and warning fixes.
  • Unifying Google Tags IDs options for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads.
  • Adding two new crawlers to the excluded list, ClaudeBot or SeekportBot.
  • WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads Advanced Marketing events will now follow the Purchase event firing options.
  • Compatibility with the Fox WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin.
  • Compatibility with the Handsome Checkout plugin.
  • Fixing other small bugs and code improvements.
  • Introducing support for Google Consent Mode V2 via the ConsentMagic plugin.
  • Introducing new Google Consent Mode V2 filters that other consent plugins can use.
  • A new option to fire Google Tags with the consent mode parameters with value granted, is recommended for websites that have consent plugins that block the tags before consent is given.
  • Improvements on how we send enhanced conversion for Google Ads when the conversion is configured with custom events.
  • Fixing a possible issue related to hiding tags when the URL contains functionality.
  • Fixing a possible issue related to hiding the tag for a session when the landing URL contains some URL parameters.
  • Code improvements and small fixes.
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