1. New: deep integration with Fast Velocity Minify plugin. Combined with it, even the heaviest The7-based websites get a tremendous performance boost.
For further details, please refer to this KB article: PageSpeed Insight Optimization | Dream-Theme Support Portal
2. Fixed: WPBakery shortcodes "Number of posts to display on one page" setting is not working when used in Albums archives.
3. Fixed: issue with WooCommerce attributes not importing correctly when installing a pre-made website.
4. Fixed: issue with filters not working correctly on WooCommerce categories pages.
1. New: "Post Carousel" widget was completely overhauled and modernized with new options and settings. Migration from the old version is automatic and should not require any additional set-up. However, you may want to double-check your posts carousels just in case

2. New: extended settings for WooCommerce appearance in Theme Options. Including:
- settings for spacings in product lists;
- typography for product widgets;
- typography for cart microwidget.
3. Improved: buttons settings from Theme Options are now available as CSS variables.
4. Updated: it_IT language files.
5. Fixed: custom primary menu settings conflicting with the "Vertical Navigation" widget.
6. Fixed: issue with incorrect width of the content section of "Tours" WPB element.
7. Fixed: WPB "Tabs" element background color conflict.
8. Fixed: issue with duplicating notifications in Contact Form 7.
1. Fixed: issue with incorrect line heights in headers fonts on tablets and mobile devices.
2. Fixed: issue with a default box-shadow of posts in masonry widgets in "classic" layout.
3. Fixed: styling issues with WooCommerce price filter.
4. Fixed: issue when the header is totally disabled in the Theme Options, floating header will also be disabled.
5. Fixed: issue with headers missing on archive pages when Elementor templates for archives are not being created.
6. Fixed: issue with NaN values in photo-scroller classes when "lite mode" is enabled in The7 settings.
7. Fixed: issue with first anchor link leading to a wrong place on the page when there is a slideshow in the header and "header below slideshow" option is enabled.
Other minor improvements and fixes.
WordPress 5.6 compatibility update.
New: "Multipurpose carousel" widget for Elementor. Allows to upload/choose arbitrary image/icon; add title, text, and button. Comes with a ton of different layouts and settings

Improved: WPML compatibility.
Fixed: issue with "wide" posts breaking the mobile layout (number of columns) in the "Blog masonry & grid" element.
Fixed: issue with country selector not working in the WooCommerce checkout screen.
Fixed: issue with images not loading until the "load more" button is being clicked in the "Media Grid" element.
Fixed: issue with the "name/date" and the "asc./desc." ordering not working in standard pagination mode in the "Portfolio" element.
Other minor improvements and under-the-hood fixes.
Improved: focus outlines in the Elementor lightbox were hidden.
Fixed: issue with blog template displaying draft posts in non-ajax pagination modes.
Fixed (again): issues with incorrect page positioning on smooth scroll with certain floating header settings combinations.
Fixed: issue with images in galleries not loading until the page is being scrolled.
Fixed: issue with setting transparent color as a page header background in Elementor.
Fixed: issue with checkout country filed overlapping floating header (WooCommerce).
Fixed: issue with Envato elements fatal error when importing template(s).
Other minor improvements and fixes.
1. New: revamped demo content importer. Now features include (but are not limited to):
- option to remove the installed demo(s);
- options to "keep" select pages or entire demo (preserves content from being accidentally removed);
- quick search and tags system.
2. New: Menu selection box added to the "Elementor full-width" page template and "Header" template in the Theme Builder.
3. Improved: "Mobile floating navigation" settings set was added to the Theme Options.
4. Improved: links settings were added for Portfolio post type in the "Masonry & Grid" widget.
5. Improved: "category" archive Theme Options settings are now also being applied to "tag" archives.
6. Improved: setting to open a submenu on click (rather than on hover) added.
7. Fixed: accessibility issue with submenus on screenreaders.
8. Fixed: Blog masonry & grid page template. Category picker not working.
9. Fixed: issue with a notice showing up when using the "Products - Masonry & Grid" widget on WooCommerce archive pages.
10. Fixed: issue with raw HTML showing up when replying comments.
11. Fixed: anchor navigation scrolls to the wrong position with certain header settings.
Other minor improvements and fixes.
1. Fixed: issue with the wrong number of columns in Masonry & Grid Elementor
2. Fixed: issue with Slider Revolution not being activated upon "Hotel" demo import.
3. Fixed: issue with private post not being displayed even for logged in users.
4. Fixed: JS conflict with "admin-meta-box-magic.min.js" in WPBakery front-end editing mode.
Ensured compatibility with WooCommerce 4.1.
New demo: Fashion Blog - https://the7.io/fashion-blog/
Improved: FontAwesome updated to v.5.13.0.
Improved: icon fonts version (where available) indication added to The > Icons Manager screen.
Improved: fields for Custom CSS and JavaScript were enlarged.
Improved accessibility: "title" and "alt" attributes added to the lightbox buttons.
Fixed: multiple WooCommerce lists with different pagination modes on the same page break each other.
Fixed: "pullquote" element affects adjacent elements.
Fixed: minor typographic issues in The7 Elementor widgets on mobile devices.
Fixed: The7 Elementor widgets styling issues on archive pages.
1. Improved: compatibility with WooCommerce 4.0.
2. Fixed: issue with header side paddings being doubled if the header is set to "floating" and its layout to "split header".
3. Fixed: the search icon is not visible in IE 11 with a certain setting combination.