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Hello guys
my site is a box for rss feed from every where, and as you know xenforo script when get feed it convert it to bbcode, as all feeds i saw on the internet are being html.
so iframe code is not imported and not even considered as present, it is neglected with all content inside.
i installed s9e Media Pack but not help in this issue i think because the feed importer reject iframe code before importing.
what i want an addon that get the content inside src of the iframe , src="$content"
look at these two iframe codes i took them from the source code of the feed site, on for youtube video and the second for the libsyn voice file.



when i put the link or the content inside src="......" in any thread it is converted by the (s9e media pack) add on and appear correct inside thread page inside my website.

as i saw in the xenforo forum it is not possible

and aslo they say the feeder convert feed's article from html to bbcode, and codes that can not be converted will be ignored
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Mike said The system doesn't attempt to parse things like that, so changing it would require custom development.
System mean XenForo self.
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