[DBTech] DragonByte Donate

xF2 Add-on [DBTech] DragonByte Donate 3.6.0

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This version changes the currency exchange rate API, as the old one can no longer be signed up for. The link in the option has changed to the new sign-up page. The API still has a free tier that's perfectly suitable for this add-on, so there will be no cost to obtaining a new API key.

You will need to change your API key in order to continue normal operation after upgrading.

Complete Change Log

Change: Support the new APILayer exchange rate API / drop support for CurrencyLayer API
Fix: Fix incorrect error message from the APILayer API
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This version adds Rebuild support to the DragonByte Credits integration.

Complete Change Log

Feature: The DragonByte Credits integration now supports rebuilding the transaction
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This version adds a new widget for showing the current user's total donations.

Complete Change Log

Feature: "Your Donations" widget to show the current user's most recent donations / total donation amounts
Feature: Disable top donators' amounts in widget
Fix: Fix incorrect phrase in Top Donators widget option validation
Update highlights

This version fixes a missing data export from the previous release.

Complete Change Log

Fix: The new "Custom amount" toggle's template edit was not included with the release files
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This version is a culmination of changes and updates in the v3.3.x branch, and adds a new feature for donation drives to allow admins to disable the ability to donate a custom amount.

Furthermore, background changes have been made in order to better support future DBTech products.

Complete Change Log

Feature: Ability to disable custom amount donations per drive
Change: Implement isIgnored method to determine whether the current user is ignoring the user making the donation
Change: Implement isVisible method to show whether the donation is confirmed
Change: Added content type support for Donation
Update highlights

This version resolves a server error when attempting to access the "Drive overview" page.

Complete Change Log

Fix: Fixed a server error when attempting to access the drive list
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This version resolves an issue when loading options on certain pages other than the main AdminCP settings page.

Complete Change Log

Fix: When viewing options from pages other than the "Settings" page, a server error could be generated
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This version fixes an issue with deleting guest donations / donations from users who have since been deleted.

Complete Change Log

Fix: Fix a server error when deleting a guest donation
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Coinciding with the release of XenForo 2.2.0, all XenForo 2.2 versions are now Gold ? This is also the last version that will contain the XF 2.2 / PHP 7.2 warning in the release notes.

Complete Change Log

Fix: Catch a DuplicateKeyException if the drive dates are changed around
Fix: Differentiate between ignored members and anonymous donation in the "Recent donations" widget
Update highlights

This version features mostly back-end only changes to make it compatible with XenForo 2.1, although there are some front-facing changes as well.

The Recent and Top donators widgets have been updated to a cleaner design and to add avatars, taking anonymity and whether the viewer is ignoring the donator into account.

Complete Change Log

Change: Improved PHP 7.3 compatibility
Change: Updated widgets to feature avatars and a cleaner design
Fix: Fix an issue where donation drive history could duplicate
Fix: Fixed incompatibilities with XenForo 2.1
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