XenForo 2.x VIP Add-ons

XenForo 2.x VIP Add-ons

Top resources

[TH] Monetize Admin
xF2 Add-on [TH] Monetize 1.1.7 Patch Level 2
Tools for revenue generation
[NixFifty] Tickets Admin
Full-fledged support system solution for XenForo 2.
[XFA] Custom Username Icons - XF2 Admin
All username, usergroup and usertitle customization your members ever dreamed of !
XenForo Resource Manager Admin
XenForo Resource Manager 2.3.0 Beta 4
[DBTech] DragonByte Shop Admin
Members can buy permissions, features & more on your forum with points.
[XFA] RM Marketplace (shop) - XF2 Admin
Transforms your RM into an outstanding marketplace or shop !
Listing all servers game into page.
[OzzModz] Advanced Forms Admin
Advanced Forms can be used for just about any type of form you need!
[cXF] Advanced Footer Admin
Add icons and/or extra links to footer, set columns, fixed footer and more.
Donations by Siropu Admin
Donation widget with goals, donors list and top donors.
[DBTech] DragonByte InfoPanels Admin
Add panels showing forum statistics, latest posts, most popular content & more!
[cXF] Enhanced Featured Content List Admin
Enhance featured content list with a few extra features.
[DBTech] DragonByte Credits Admin
Members can gain points for various things around the forum like posting.
XenForo Enhanced Search Admin
XenForo Enhanced Search 2.x
[DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce Admin
Sell your products in the ultimate forum eCommerce solution.
[cXF] Vertical Navigation Admin
Move default navigation to the left forum side and show it vertically with some extra features.
Chat 2 by Siropu Admin
Feature-rich, mobile-friendly chat application.
Shoutbox by Siropu Admin
A lightweight shoutbox widget.
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